• The Greatest Delight

    Bismillah What is the greatest gift you could ever receive? That you could ever want? That would bring you the greatest happiness and delight?…..Think about it. Got an idea? ….good. Most of us will be thinking of Jannah and all of its delights. But the most pleasurable thing in Jannah is not having spouses, or servants that will serve you, or drinking milk and honey. No rather, there is something MUCH GREATER for the Dwellers of Jannah that Allah ta’ala is keeping for them…
  • Varying the Supplications (Salat 101)

    Bismillah wa’lhamdolilah wassalatu wassalam ‘ala Rasool Allah For the most part, or at least from my personal experience, from childhood salat was always made to seem very rigid; one way of doing it, no variation, very systematic. And since we were never taught these variations, salat just ended up becoming a thoughtless set of actions, repeating the same things over and over again. However, as I grew older I realized that there is a lot of variation in salat, a lot that we can do to really build that relationship Allah throughout our salat.
  • SubhanAllah: A Pure Negation (Salat 101)

    Bismillah walhamdolilah was-salatu was-salam ‘ala Rasool Allah sallalahu alayhi wasalam Continuing in our discussion of the oft-repeated words and phrases in our salat, this week inshallah we will focus on looking at: SubhanAllah This is another word that is very common in the Muslim’s vocabulary. We all have heard the word, we all say it in our prayers daily (inshallah), yet how many of us truly understand its meaning? Commonly this word is translated as, “Glory be to Allah” or “All Glory is to Allah”.
  • A Praise of Perfection (Salat 101)

    Bismillah walhamdolilah wasalatu wasalam ‘ala Rasool Allah Asalamu ‘alaikum, There are certain words and phrases which we pronounce in our salat repeatedly, yet more than likely we do not know what they mean. This is the state of our salat these days…nothing more than actions of the limbs. O Muslims! Remember faith (eman) is belief in the heart, statements upon the tongue, and actions of the limbs. All three are required for a completeness of faith.
  • What is Tasbeeh?

    Bismillah. Alhamdulillah, we now know what hamd means, let’s move on to tasbeeh! Tasbeeh means to say subhanAllah just as tahmeed means to say alhamdulillah. Tasbeeh is comprised of two words: Subhan and Allah: سبحان الله Subhan which is derived from tasbeeh is from seen-ba-ha (س-ب-ح) and it means to glorify, praise, magnify, extol Allah, by tongue or by heart. It includes: 1-To say He has no flaw in His Perfection Far above any imperfection
  • Tooba!

    Bismillah Allah ta’ala says: الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ طُوبَىٰ لَهُمْ وَحُسْنُ مَآبٍ Those who have believed and done righteous deeds – ‘Tooba’ is theirs and a good return. (Suratur Ra’ad, ayah 29) Allah ta’ala promises ‘Tooba’ to the believers in this ayah. We also know this word for the famous hadeeth of the strangers, the Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam states: fa Tooba lil ghurabaa’, so Tooba to the strangers.
  • A Home away from Home (Salat 101)

    By dear brother and sisters in Islam, Asalamu ‘alaikum wa rahmatullah In this blessed month of Ramadan, it is only beneficial to us to increase our worship of Allah azza wa jal. Surely, this month is full of blessings like no other. O Muslims! Take advantage of this month, because the reality is we don’t know if we will see another one. Our beloved Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasalam has said:
  • What is Hamd?

    Bismillah. As Muslims, the phrase “alhamdulillah” الحمد لله (all praise and thanks is for Allah) is an integral part of our deen; we are taught to say it from both the Qur’an and Sunnah. Linguistically, Hamd is from ha-meem-daal ( حمد or ح م د) and it is to mention the good attribute of a person, such an attribute that is the at the level of perfection. Hamd is based on mahabbah (love) and ta’dheem (greatness).
  • Pure Forgiveness (Salat 101)

    My dear brothers and sisters in Islam our beloved Prophet alayhi salatu wasalam has told us: “The angels keep on asking Allah’s forgiveness for anyone of you, as long as he is at his mu’sallah (praying place) and does he does not pass wind. They say, ‘O Allah! Forgive him, O Allah! be Merciful to him.” [Bukhari] Gems Angels are a great sign of Mercy from Allah and how beautiful it is that Allah has given every single Muslim the ability to feel the mercy just by staying in his place of prayer How great is it that the angels ask Allah for forgiveness for you?
  • A River of Purity (Salat 101)

    The Prophet of Allah sallalahu alayhi wasalam has coined an amazing analogy in regards to salat. The analogy is depicted in a conversation between the Prophet and the Companions radhiAllah anhum, in which the Prophet alayhi salatu wasalam said: “Do you think that if there was a river by the door of one of you and he bathed in it five times a day that there would remain any dirt on him?