• The Reasons Behind Seasons

    Bismillah. Why did Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) create seasons? All of this–snow, leaves changing, hot summer days and freezing winter nights. In some countries–like Canada, and the US–you have places where Isha time starts around 11pm, or 12am (midnight), and Fajr starts arond 2-3am! You also have days where Isha starts at 6pm, and Fajr starts around 7am. What can we learn from this? The Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) gives this away when he narrates: “Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) made the night short so you can pray, and the day short so you can fast.
  • Breaking News

    The news is out. Its a BIG one. Media won’t broadcast it. People wouldn’t talk about it. The most deadly serial killer is out after a month of imprisonment. He is back to take the revenge. He could in in your neighbourhood right now. To make it worse, he could be in your house with you eating and drinking right now! He is very dedicated, clever, motivated and doesn’t leave behind any traces!
  • Ismul Jalaalah

    Bismillah. Ismul Jalaalah, The Grand Name: Allah الله. This is Allah’s Personal Name. His Identifying Name. This Name only belongs to Allah, no one else can have besides Allah. Allah is the Title, the Name, of the One True Ilaah. The Name of Allah, you cannot play around with: there is no plural, there is no feminine. The Name Allah appears over 3000 times in the Qur’an. When we mentioned the Name “Allah” linguistically, we don’t say “the word Allah” or “the Name Allah” because it is not appropriate.
  • How to Receive Allah’s Special Mercy

    Bismillah We know that Allah ta’ala Name’s Ar-Raheem is specifically for the believers, so how is it that one can receive this special Mercy from ar Raheem? Obedience to Allah and His Messenger. “and obey Allah and His Messenger so that you all may receive Mercy.” [3:132] Taqwa of Allah ta’ala, fear and consciousness of Allah. “And this is a book, We have sent it down as one blessed, so follow it and fear Allah so that you all may receive Mercy.
  • The Qur’an is Mubaarak

    Bismillah. Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala says in Surah Saad verse 29,كِتَابٌ أَنْزَلْنَاهُ إِلَيْكَ مُبَارَكٌ لِيَدَّبَّرُوا آيَاتِهِ وَلِيَتَذَكَّرَ أُولُو الأَلْبَابِ “(This is) a Mubaarak Book which We have sent down to you, that they may reflect upon its signs, and that men of understanding may remember.” (Saad: 38:29) Mubaarak is that which is full of barakah. And barakah is from the root, ba ra kaaf (ب ر ك), and barakah is that which lasts long and has the ability to increase.
  • The Greatest Delight

    Bismillah What is the greatest gift you could ever receive? That you could ever want? That would bring you the greatest happiness and delight?…..Think about it. Got an idea? ….good. Most of us will be thinking of Jannah and all of its delights. But the most pleasurable thing in Jannah is not having spouses, or servants that will serve you, or drinking milk and honey. No rather, there is something MUCH GREATER for the Dwellers of Jannah that Allah ta’ala is keeping for them…
  • SubhanAllah: A Pure Negation (Salat 101)

    Bismillah walhamdolilah was-salatu was-salam ‘ala Rasool Allah sallalahu alayhi wasalam Continuing in our discussion of the oft-repeated words and phrases in our salat, this week inshallah we will focus on looking at: SubhanAllah This is another word that is very common in the Muslim’s vocabulary. We all have heard the word, we all say it in our prayers daily (inshallah), yet how many of us truly understand its meaning? Commonly this word is translated as, “Glory be to Allah” or “All Glory is to Allah”.
  • A Praise of Perfection (Salat 101)

    Bismillah walhamdolilah wasalatu wasalam ‘ala Rasool Allah Asalamu ‘alaikum, There are certain words and phrases which we pronounce in our salat repeatedly, yet more than likely we do not know what they mean. This is the state of our salat these days…nothing more than actions of the limbs. O Muslims! Remember faith (eman) is belief in the heart, statements upon the tongue, and actions of the limbs. All three are required for a completeness of faith.
  • What is Tasbeeh?

    Bismillah. Alhamdulillah, we now know what hamd means, let’s move on to tasbeeh! Tasbeeh means to say subhanAllah just as tahmeed means to say alhamdulillah. Tasbeeh is comprised of two words: Subhan and Allah: سبحان الله Subhan which is derived from tasbeeh is from seen-ba-ha (س-ب-ح) and it means to glorify, praise, magnify, extol Allah, by tongue or by heart. It includes: 1-To say He has no flaw in His Perfection Far above any imperfection
  • Tooba!

    Bismillah Allah ta’ala says: الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ طُوبَىٰ لَهُمْ وَحُسْنُ مَآبٍ Those who have believed and done righteous deeds – ‘Tooba’ is theirs and a good return. (Suratur Ra’ad, ayah 29) Allah ta’ala promises ‘Tooba’ to the believers in this ayah. We also know this word for the famous hadeeth of the strangers, the Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam states: fa Tooba lil ghurabaa’, so Tooba to the strangers.