The news is out. Its a BIG one. Media won’t broadcast it. People wouldn’t talk about it. The most deadly serial killer is out after a month of imprisonment. He is back to take the revenge. He could in in your neighbourhood right now. To make it worse, he could be in your house with you eating and drinking right now! He is very dedicated, clever, motivated and doesn’t leave behind any traces! Who is he? What does he want? What crimes has he commited? How does he do it?

Who is he?

He is your biggest enemy Satan, out from his imprisonment, ready to mislead and take revenge from the sons and daughters of Adam. He wouldn’t stop until he carries all of us with him to the hell fire. He hates all of us. Let us study his profile:

  • He is working 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. No rest. Non stop. He is plotting and working against YOU all the time even while you are sleeping, eating, drinking, praying, having fun – all of the time. Find out how you can protect yourself from him while sleeping (see hadith#530)
  • He has experience of thousands and thousands of years working full time to deceive and mislead the humanity.
  • He has his whole army waging WAR against the mankind
  • He has a dedicated battlefield where he distracts people and causes lots of fitnah. This is the marketplace and this is why reciting this dua has many rewards
  • He and his army attack you from all directions not just through navy, airforce and ground forces and their weapons are even more deadlier than machine guns, F16s, submarines and what not
  • Lets look at some of the case studies to analyze his techniques, patterns and war strategies:

    • His first clients were our own great grand father Adam (AS) and mother Hawa(AS) when he was able to trick them into eating from the forbidden tree. How did he manage to do it? Did he just told them to eat from the tree? No, but rather he exploited the weaknesses and desires of the humans. He made them false promises
    • Fast forward 10 generations from Adam and we see this enemy working again to mislead people from the worship of one Allah.  Following upon the death of their righteous men, Satan inspired their people to erect statues in the places where they used to sit. They did this, but these statues were not worshiped until the coming generations deviated from the right way of life. Then they worshipped them as their idols.
    • The story of the worshipper Barsisa where he mislead him one step at a time each time bringing him closer to shirk. This pious worshipper who spent his entire life worshipping Allah finally fall into the traps of Satan and prostrated to him!
      What do we learn from these case studies? Observe how is very clever in deceiving people, exploiting the desires and weaknesses, giving false promises and hopes, beautifying the wrong deeds, make the right seem wrong and making the wrong seem right! Most of them his victims don’t even realized that they are being deceived and tricked by Iblees and his army
  • His techniques can be grouped into seven levels

Knowing all this, wouldn’t you want to take him as your enemy, wouldn’t you want to fight against him and his army, give him the black eye. Inshallah in the next post, we will expose this enemy even further.