Bismillah walhamdolilah wassalatu wassalam ‘ala rasool Allah

We live this life yearning to be amongst those whom Allah loves. On top of that, we wish and pray that Allah gives us the opportunity to be amonst the blessed who sincerly love Him. Truly, this only comes from His Will and we should beg him for that opportunity day and night.

Here is a a beautiful du’a that we have been taught by the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasalam:

Allahuma innee as aluka hubbak wa hubba maiyy yuhibbook wal ‘amalalathzee yuballighunee hubbak

O Allah! Indeed I ask you for your love and love of those who love you and love of the deed which will draw me in attaining your love.

SubhanAllah! What a beautiful du’a. May Allah give us the ability to memorize this du’a and use it everyday in our journey of attaining His love. Ameen.