Bismillah walhamdolilah wasalatu wasalam ‘ala Rasool Allah

Asalamu ‘alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatahu,

Truly, patience is a characteristic of the Muslim that is required on many levels:

  1. Patience in worshiping Allah
  2. Patience in abstaining from wrong actions
  3. Patience at times of trials

These are the three levels we should constantly be monitoring, for verily it is these levels of patience that will bring us success. My dear brothers and sisters, Ramadan is only days away. Truly, it is a month full of blessings. Lets use the month to train ourselves to be patient in these three levels.

Patience in worshiping Allah

This essentially means to carry out the commands of Allah regularily with full sincerity to Him and Him Alone and to do so with the correct understanding and methodology shown to us by our beloved sallalahu alayhi wasalam.

و ما أمروا إلا ليعبدوا الله مخلصين له الدين حنفاء و يقيموا الصلاة و يؤتوا الزكاة و ذلك دين القيمة

And they have been commanded no more than this: To worship Allah, offering Him sincere devotion, being true (in faith); to establish regular prayer; and to practise regular charity; and that is the Religion Right and Straight [Surah Bayyina V.5]

Patience in abstaining from Wrong

This can be achieved in two ways: 1) fear the punishment which follows the wrong action 2) feeling of haya (shyness or shame) before Allah for using His blessings in disobeying Him

Now the question to ask is, which one is better?

Truly, both have their place, however the one who resists from the wrong due to the feeling haya in front of the Lord of the heavens and the earth is better. This is because the one who restrains himself out of fear is focused on the punishment and is scared of it, his only concern is saving himself from the punishment. Whereas, the person who restrains himself out of haya is focused on Allah Himself, the main concern is Allah and His Glory and His Majesty. This is why some of our beloved scholars have said:

“Do not look at the size of the sin you are committing. Rather, look at the greatness of the One you are sinning against”

Nonetheless, both levels are accepted and reach the level of eman (faith). However, restraining out of haya reaches the level of ihsan.

Patience at times of Trial

There are many ways one can be patient in regards to trials we face:

  1. Reward – Be certain that your patience will not go in vein. Rather, with every second you walk and deal with patience, inshallah there is reward waiting. We as humans are very selfish, always thinking about the “whats in it for me?” If you think short-term, you will limit your thinking to this life, and thus may not resort to patience. However, if you think of the long-term, you will expand your thinking to the Hereafter, and thus may resort to patience. And certainly, patience is the best route for the believer.
  2. Expecting a time of ease – Allah has promised that after every difficult comes relief. So be certain that the trial is only a period of time and relief is coming.
  3. Recounting the blessings – When you sit back and ponder about the infinite blessings our Lord has bestowed upon us, our problems don’t seem so bad. You realize, in comparison to the blessings, the trial is like a drop of water out of the ocean.
  4. Recounting previous blessing – When you are able to sit back and ponder about how Allah took care of you and brought you to light from darkness in the past, you will be able to expect the same in the current time.

يا أيها الذين آمنوا اصبروا وصابروا ورابطوا واتقوا الله لعلكم تفلحون

O you who believe! be patient and excel in patience and remain steadfast, and be careful of (your duty to) Allah, that you may be successful. {Surah ale Imran V.200]