I walked by as I noticed a bunch of people moved by music, indulged in gossip, purchased tickets from each other … until I spotted my younger sister, Ayesha. I signed, looking at them, as I commented to her, “…bunch of losers.”

“What makes you think they are all losers?” questioned Ayesha.

Well, look at all the things they are indulged in? They’re obviously losers,” I responded, as we both noticed other people carrying on with their activities disapprovingly.

After a while, Ayesha nudged me. “But what about us? What are we doing right now?” she said.

Subhanallah,” I frowned, “I guess I’m acting like a loser tooo!

Ayesha had a way of asking the right questions, in the right order and at the right time. She smiled and said, “Lucky for us, Allah warns us what can make us a loser …” as she recited Surah Al-‘Asr._


“By Al-‘Asr (the time). Verily! Man is in loss, except those who believe and do righteous good deeds, and recommend one another to the truth which Allah has ordained, and abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds which Allah has forbidden, and recommend one another to patience. “

Points to take:

  1. We should question how we are using our time and energy constantly.
  2. We should try to teach each other the truth and do good deeds as Allah orders in Surah Al-Asr.
  3. We should refrain from falling into sin and constantly have sabr from all bad actions.

Subhanallah, if we can implement just this small surah, we can attain success in this life and the hereafter! May Allah help us overcome our weaknesses, utilize our time, and not let us be amongst the losers (ameen)!

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