If you want your Islamic work–your project, or organization, or masjid, or whatever it is–to survive you, you need to train leaders, not followers.

When you train followers, they work well, for a time–a month, or two, or a year, or ten, or 20–but without a leader, the project collapses. Instead, train leaders, who in turn train followers and other leaders in your absence, and the cycle perpetuates inshaAllah.

This is also part of what you need to transform your project from a mom-and-pop-style business to an independant self-existing entity. Wallahu ‘alim. More on that soonish inshaAllah.

As examples, most MSAs in North America train the succeeding generation of executives for the next term. In successful universities, such as UTM, MSAs last for decades thanks to this method.

Wallahu ‘alim.

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