• Painting a Picture… a Really BIG Picture

    Note: This is post #8 in our series on Tafseer of Juz ‘Amma.


    As we continue on our journey through tafseer of Juz Amma, we come across Surah Takweer.  Surah Takweer begins with a description of the Day of Judgement.  What we have to keep in mind as we go through the surahs in chronological order is that these first surahs were teachhing big lessons and getting across major points.  In this Surah Allah t’Ala tells us to think about the bigger picture.  In fact Allah t’Ala shows us what the Day of Judgement will be like.  All of this to help get our minds to focus on the big picture in life.  And what could be bigger than the  Day of Judgement?

    Let’s dive into the verses, to understand them more clearly.