• Ramadan Retrospective

    Eid Mubarak! As the sahaba would tell each other: May Allah accept our good deeds and your good deeds (from Ramadan). Ameen! Ramadan is still fresh in your mind; the long days of fasting, the pain in your legs and back from taraweeh, and most of all, that biting regret that you didn’t do enough. Would you like to make the next Ramadan even better? With only five minutes worth of effort?
  • Du’a for Laziness and Incapability

    The Prophet (salallahu alayhi wa sallam) used to make a du’a: اللّهُمَّ إنِّي أعُوذُبِكَ مِن العَجزِ وَ الكَسلٍTransliteration: Allahumma inniy a’oothubika min al-ajzi wal-kasli Translation: O Allah, I seek refuge in you from incapability and laziness. Why is this du’a important? For two reasons: Laziness is an attribute of munafiqeen. If this wasn’t bad enough, being lazy leads to procrastination, which leads to its own set of problems.