• Ikhtilaf – I

    In the previous post, we introduced the topic of Differences of Opinions. We listed the four ways of categorizing these differences. In this post, we will look at the first category: Differences due to interpretation of word meanings and grammatical constructions. Within this category, we have several sub categories: Shared literal meanings/Equivocality/Homonym (Ishtirak): An example of this would be the word “qur” which means menses as well as the time of purity between menses.
  • Mcdonald, KFC, Moon Sighting…

    Muslims, living in the Muslim Countries, generally tend to have limited exposure to Fiqh and its rulings. There is usually one dominant madhab and that’s all people know about. Rarely, if ever, people are exposed to other madahibs. However, the situation for many of us living in west, like Canada, is quite different. Because of the diversity of muslims, from various countries, cultures and backgrounds, we are exposed to many madhabs.