• Behind the Beard can be Weird

    “Don’t judge a book by its cover or a man by his beard, because what’s behind the beard can be weird.” Apply this to your lives, and you’ll find that, bi ithnillah (by the permission of Allah), you will never be surprised or dissapointed. When you make great assumptions about people, where can they go except down? Great assumptions often lead to great letdowns. Wallahu ‘alim.
  • Fear the Creator, Fear the Creation?

    “If you fear the creator, you will never fear the creation.” -Imam Anwar al-Awlaki If your heart trembles in fear of Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) and awe of His majesty, nothing in the dunya (world) can ever overshadow that fear. The dunya can throw a bigger army at you, better weapons, everything and anything. And if you fear Allah the way He deserves to be feared, none of that can overshadow your fear of the Creator.
  • MultiTimer: Multiple Labeled Item Timers

    MultiTimer, a lightweight application, allows you to track your time commitments to multiple items simultaneously. You type in the timer label, set the inital time and count method (countup or countdown), and the application handles the rest. In particular, if you need to track (and, optionally, aggregate) time usage for multiple projects, you can assign one timer per project and track your time use per day. Or per week. Or per month.
  • ABCD Life Management

    This article by Steve Pavlina explains how to effectively manage your life by focusing on tasks based on their long-term effects. The article defines three categories of tasks, and allocates your daily time to each of them proportionally based on their expected benefit. “A” tasks yield benefit in five or more years, such as learning a new language. “B” tasks yield benefit in two or more years, such as training for a marathon.
  • Islamic Work: A Lifestyle

    “Islamic work isn’t something we do for a hobby–it’s our life.” Work for the cause, don’t abandon it. Don’t neglect it to play video games or watch TV or surf the internet. It isn’t a hobby. It isn’t part-time. It’s full-time, all out, no holds-barred work for the cause of Allah. If you consider the illustrious sahaba, radiallahu ‘anhuma ajma’een, they all gave their all for the cause. Their wealth, their health, their free time, even their very lives.
  • Few Things Are Worth Crying Over

    “Very few things in life are worth crying over.” Ponder it. Very few things in life are worth throwing a fit over or complaining about. In Islamic work, especially, people attach importantance to things that aren’t issues, tempers rise, fights break out, and brotherhood dies. And in the end, Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) controls over all things. So sit back, chill out, and let it run by you. No harm done, right?
  • Genesis

    Today, I created my new blog. I hope, by the permission of Allah, you will all learn and grow and benefit from it. For more information on what it is and why it exists, check the About page. Feedback can only make you stronger. I borrow from the inaugaration speech of Abu Bakr as-Siddique, radiallahu ‘ahn. He said: “Support me, if I am in the right, and correct me if I am in the wrong.