• Yaqeen: Certainty

    Imam Anwar al-Awlaki says: Yaqeen is certainty in your beliefs over your physical reality. Your heart soaks up the belief and becomes unshakable. The Prophet (صلي الله عليه وسلم) had it. All four khulafa had it. O Allah, grant us belief in the hereafter and make our hearts firm.
  • Khalid bin Walid: From General to Foot-Soldier

    During the reign of Prophet Muhammad (صلي الله عليه وسلم), and later, the reign of Abu Bakr, the first Khalifa, may Allah be pleased with him, Khalid bin Walid, commander of the Muslim army, rocked the non-Muslim armies again and again and again and lead the Muslims to many victories. In this way, he became a fitnah–people ascribed victory to him, and not to Allah (سبحانه وتعالى). After the battle of Yarmuk, the newly-instated Khalifa, ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) removed Khalid bin Walid from leadership of the army and instated Abu Ubaydah (RA) as the commander.
  • Memorize Qur’an: Triple Reinforcement

    To memorize the Qur’an, regardless of your learning style, utilize your senses (sight and sound) plus your intellect to reinforce your memorization inshaAllah. See it: See the Qur’an in Arabic. A tajweed colour-coded mushaf works. Pick a script you like, and read it over a few times. Learn how the letters look. Read it after you listen to it a few times. Hear it: Download your favourite reciter and listen to the particular verse you want to memorize.
  • The People of the Ditch (7): The People Most Tested

    Some companions asked the Prophet (صلي الله عليه وسلم) “Who are the people most tested?” The Prophet (صلي الله عليه وسلم) said “The rightly guided people.” Allah tests people according to the strength of their faith. As you increase in iman, your tests become tougher and tougher. Allah tests everyone, even non-believers. So if you’re going to be tested, be tested for fleeing to Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) and the truth.
  • The People of the Ditch (6): Allah Tests Truth-Bearers

    The scholar/monk said to the boy, after he defeated the beast: verily, you will be tested. The sunnah of Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) is to test those who come with the truth –place tests in their path. When the Prophet (صلي الله عليه وسلم) first received revelation and visited Waraqa, he said: I wish I had the life/strength to live until the time when your people kick you out. The Prophet said: Are they going to kick me out?
  • The People of the Ditch (5): Humility with Arrogance

    After the boy killed the lion, news spread fast–news arrives like an ant and leaves like an elephant. Sensationalism. The boy meets the scholar and informs him of what occurred. The scholar replied with: “O my boy, today you are better then me. You will be tested, so when it happens, do not reveal me (don’t rat me out).” How was the boy better? He gained knowledge and implemented it, and increased in humility.
  • The People of the Ditch (4): The Boy and the Beast

    The lie of the scholar/monk to the boy falls under the three types of acceptable lies, a situation of war. A beast blocked the path of the people. The boy said: “O Allah, if the monk is dearer to you, then kill the beast.” He threw the stone, hit the beast, and it died. (The people came to celebrate him as a great hero.) Notice the natural inclination of the boy–to help the people.
  • Three Acceptable Types of Lies

    In Islam, lying is haram (prohibited: to lie entails a sin, and to abstain from it enails good deeds). However, there are three circumstances in which a lie is allowed: for a husband to create love and tranqulity between himself and his wife, for one to settle disputes, and in war. For a man to create harmony with his wife: One may lie to one’s wife in order to create peace and avoid arguementation–for example, if one’s wife asks “do I looks fat and ugly?
  • The Key to Attract an Amazing Spouse

    The key to attract an amazing spouse is to nurture in yourself those qualities that appeal to a person of that standard. Many of us pine for the perfect spouse–realize he or she does not exist. Pick the best you can find, and learn to live with and cover their warts and weaknesses. Set your criteria (based on the hadith of the Prophet, peace be upon him)–have they memorized the Qur’an?
  • Wear Islam Responsibly

    When you wear Islam, wear it properly and responsibly. –A. M. When you grow a beard or put on hijab, be aware of the responsibility. You represent the Muslims, more then ever. Represent properly! Don’t mess up and appear at clubs or bars and similar places. With the greater reward comes the greater potential of punishment–you can misguide many, many people if you represent Islam improperly. May Allah protect us from anti-da’wah.