• It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s … MuminMan?

    It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s … MuminMan? By night, a city slicker patrols the streets. Seen but not seen, he’s just another face in the crowd, unnoticed with trendy glasses and the slickest new Nike running shoes. He breezes in and out through bars and clubs. He chills with his friends. And if she’s not mad, maybe he’ll call his girlfriend for a date. Just your ordinary homeboy or girl.
  • The Parable of Grass

    It rained today. And rained. And rained. And as I walked through the rain, I noticed three distinct types of ground: pavement, grass, and flooded grass. As rain falls on the pavement, it streams off, making the surface slick and slippery, or else pools. Drainage systems handle large amounts of water, but those have their own cost. As for pools, what do they do? They erode away slowly at the pavement.
  • Salaah: Relax!

    Continuing in our series of purification of salaah, we all need to realize that it’s not a race to see who can finish first! Inshallah ta’alla take your time, relax, and comfort your soul with the tranquility of being in communication with Allah (سبحانه وتعالى), your Lord and Creator! Our beloved Prophet (صلي الله عليه وسلم) used to move at a measured pace throughout his salaah; so much so that he would allow every bone to return to its place after each movement (classified saheeh by Ibn Kuzaymah and al-Hafiz).
  • Light of Guidance

    Light of Guidance Light of Guidance is an AlMaghrib Institute course taught by Yasir Qadhi. The course focuses on three aspects: shirk, nifaq, and kufr. Dwelve into issues such as the three types of tawhid, the perfection of La Ilaha Illallah, fruits of eman, grave-worship, jinns, magic, atheism, intercession, and more! Posts <?php PostFinder(”\“Light of Guidance\“”); ?> Primary Categories Aqeeda References Yasir Qadhi. Lecture. AlMaghrib.
  • Your Last Prayer

    Getting further in our discussion on the means to attain the utmost purification in our salaah; one of the best ways is to realize that it may be our last salaah we offer to Allah (سبحانه وتعالى). So the question is, how do you wanna go out? The Prophet (صلي الله عليه وسلم) said: “Remember death in your prayer, for the man who remembers death during his prayer is bound to pray properly, and pray the prayer of a man who does not think that he will pray any other prayer.
  • What Concerns You?

    Concerns of a med student: Ahmed: I’ve been trying so hard to make it into that post med program. Friend: Hey, what about meeting with Dr.Muneeb. Just go ask him what you need to get in, he is THE BEST doctor. Ahmed: You think I havent already? I am practically following ALL his footsteps to the best to my ability … just sometimes I get concerned if I’m still going to make it or not … hope I can achieve all the marks I need before its too late.
  • Code of Scholars

    Code of Scholars Code of Scholars is an AlMaghrib Institute course taught by Muhammad Alshareef. The course teaches the basics of the science of Usool ul-Fiqh, derived from the Qur’an and Sunnah. What does haram mean? Who makes laws? What are the different types of fard actions? What Arabic keywords indicate something is haram? Students who succeed gain the ability to analyze contradicting fatawa and determine which are more correct islamically.
  • Death Du’a Dissected

    When someone dies, we say “inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon.” It means, roughly translated, “We belong to Allah and to Him we return.” Inshallah here, we’ll do a brief (grammatical) dissection of the phrase, so you can understand the words better (and not mix them up / mispronounce them). If you hover your mouse over underlined words, you’ll see the Arabic inshallah. Inna: Inna is really inna-na. The first part is “very”, the last part is “we”–but Arabs like to simplify, so they just write it as inna (with only two noons).
  • Salaah: Preperation is KEY!

    Continuing our discussion of the purification of salaah, one of the primary ways to gain khushoo’ is to prepare ahead of time! Try these authentic actions from the sunnah: Perform wudoo properly; start with bismillah and end with ash-hadu an laa ilaaha illallah wahdahu laa sharee ka lahu wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan abdahu wa rasoolahu. Umar bin Al-Khattab (رضي الله عنه) narrated that the Prophet (صلي الله عليه وسلم) said: “Whoever of you performs wudoo thoroughly then says: ‘I testify that there is no god but Allah, with Whom there is no associate, and that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger,’ the eight gates of Paradise will be opened to him to enter from whichever he wants.
  • Rules of Engagement

    Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement is an AlMaghrib Institute course taught by Muhammad ibn Faqih. The course teaches and emphasizes ethics, morality, rights, character attributes, and manners–everything from the rights of children before they’re born to the cause for the decline and destruction of socieities to the literally dozens of virtues one earns from sabr! The course focuses a lot on self-development, self-improvement, and dealing with others, as well as improving oneself.