• Worship

    We go through life praying, giving to the poor, fasting, and other forms of worship which are prescribed by Allah. However, when was the last time we sat back and really tried to understand what it means to worship Allah? Why do we worship Him? Listen to the podcast for more details on this crucial aspect of Islam–worship.
  • Follow the footsteps of Khalilullah

    Once upon a time, on the day of Eid-ul-Adha: Abdullah: As-Salam Alykum, Eid Mubarak..Taqabal Allah minna wa minkom! (May Allah accept it, from us and from you) Abdur-Rahman: Wa ‘Alykum As-salam. Eid Mubarak to you as well. Abdullah: How has been your Eid day so far? Abdur-Rahman: Man, I heard this new song today, and kept listening to it :( I know I shouldn’t have been listening to music, it’s haram, but I just can’t give it up.
  • Fasting in Muharram

    Bismillah. The sacred month of Muharram is now upon us, and a new year has begun alhamdulillah. InshaAllah I wanted to remind you all and myself of the great sunnan this month has for us: Rasulllah (صلي الله عليه وسلم) said: “The best of fasting after Ramadaan is the month of Allah, Muharram, and the best of prayer after the obligatory prayers is prayer at night (qiyaam al-layl).” [Saheeh Muslim, #1163]
  • Reusing Purification Water

    Can you re-use water used for purification–wudoo or ghusl? This issue doesn’t apply to most people unless they’re stuck somewhere without much water–like Cambodia, where they get water once a year, during flood season, and keep it for nine months. (Before you read this, read about the three-fold categorization of water; in summary, water can either be purifying (tuhoor), pure (taahir), or impure (najas), and we can only use purifying water for wudoo and ghusl.
  • Light of Eman Session 7

    Continuing on the topic of Shaytaan, this lecture focuses on the relationship between man and him. What is the clash between humans and Shaytaan? What is the goal of Shaytaan? And truly, what are the techniques by which he is succeeding in this battle? Listen to the podcast and find out more about this fore-sworn enemy of humans.
  • Light of Eman Session 6

    Of the devils, is the grand devil of them all, known as Iblees or Shaytaan. This lecture will focus on some of the wisdoms behind the creation of Shaytaan. As Muslims, we know that Shaytaan is our open enemy; not just for a period of time, but an enemy to the sons and daughters of Adam (عليه السلام) until the end of time. What was this wisdom of Allah behind the prolonged life of Shaytaan?
  • Light of Eman Session 5

    With this lecture, we will begin to step into a brand new world … the world of the Jinn. Who are they? What is their purpose? What is the Muslims’ stance on the Jinn? Listen to the podcast to find out about this little-known topic steeped in ignorance and superstition!
  • Light of Eman Session 4

    The angels indeed are a beautiful creation of Allah (سبحانه وتعالى). Believing in them is of the pillars of eman, and disbelieving in them is disbelief. Why so? What are the blessings of the angels upon the believers? Listen to the podcast and find out!
  • Utensils and Vessels

    What utensils and vessels (called inaa’ in Arabic, which includes cups, plates, utensils, and the like–though we’ll call it “utensils” for simplicity) are halal to eat from? This is important–your du’a is at stake! If you eat from haraam, Allah will not accept your du’a. Scholars agree that all utensils made from pure and clean things–other then silver and gold, because we’re prohibited from eating from those–are pure and clean. So throw out your silverware, even if it’s only partially silver; gold plating is not allowed, either.
  • Five Hajj Jackpots

    Hajj is an amazing act of ibadah–one that requires everything: mind, body, and wealth. People invest so much time, so much energy, and so much money into Hajj–and for what? What do they get out of it? For a properly-intentioned, well-planned and correctly-executed Hajj–one free of, for example, arguing, pushing, and harming other Muslims, full of patience–there are five jackpots you cash out on when you perform Hajj: Deeds: The Messenger of Allah (صلي الله عليه وسلم) said: “Whoever performs Hajj to this house–the Ka’bah–and does not commit any obscenity and wrongdoing, he, or she, will come out as the day he or she was born,pure and free from sins.