• Post-Mortem Parental Rights

    Ok, so you parents have rights upon you while they live. Most of us know that. What about after they’ve left this life? Is it possible they might still have some rights due from you? The answer is a resounding yes! Their rights, after they die, are: Janaazah: That you (or someone in the community) washes their body, buries them, etc., and you pray their janaazah prayer with the community.
  • Signing on Behalf of Allah

    Never, ever, EVER say such-and-such is haram/halal/fard/etc. without knowledge. To say so, is to sign on behalf of Allah (سبحانه وتعالى). And who dares to do that without knowledge? This is the job of the mujtahiduwn — those who research fiqh issues and then issue fatawa. Notice, the best of them always say, “this is the final ruling, and Allah knows best.” Why? Because they are signing on behalf of Allah (سبحانه وتعالى).
  • Parental Appreciation 101

    Want to appreciate your parents more? Maybe give them the respect and honour they really deserve? Here’s an easy way to do it! Have you ever been in a position where someone did you a really big favour–big to you, anyway–and you really, really appreciated it? Think back in your life. Chances are you thanked the person a lot for days after it–and, what’s more, you changed the way you treated them.
  • ‘Umar and the Eloquent Woman

    The Messenger of Allah (صلي الله عليه وسلم) said, in a long hadith: “A believer should speak good or keep silent!” We all know this hadith, right? But how do we implement this hadith? What if someone does something wrong? What if they deprive us of our rights? Should we still keep silent, or give them 80 lashes with our tongues? Check this out–this incident ocurred during the life of ‘Umar ibn Al-Khattab (رضي الله عنه), second Khalifa of Islam.
  • Burnt Food: An Opportunity

    Common reactions among many types of people when their spouse burns their food, or forgets the salt, or oversalts, or otherwise destroys it, are statements such as “what’s wrong with you, don’t you know how to cook” and “didn’t your mother/father ever teach you anything” and so on. Remain patient, as the Prophet (صلي الله عليه وسلم) remained when his wives cooked food he didn’t like. He sat, and said nothing at all, nor did he eat from it.