• Good Character

    The following ahadeeth are from Ibn Hajr al-Asqalaanee’s Bulooghul-Maram (Attainment of the Objective according to Evidence of the Ordinances–page 480+ in the English translation). They touch on the importance of good Islamic character: being truthful, avoiding lying, the evil of a suspicious mind, heedlessness, not protecting each other’s honour, etc. As a good reminder to the sincere heart, even if you have been blessed with guidance to the Sunnah and hold yourself to be from Ahlul-Haqq, the Shaytaan will not leave you alone.
  • Zina

    We live in a world in which the concept of haya between man and women is lost. We forget that at every step Shaytaan waits to pounce, to guide us to evil. Living in the West, going to University, we see a lot of evil, and we see the plan of Shaytaan at work; Muslim men and Muslim women forgetting their boundaries and falling into the fitnah of society. Every wonder what would happen if you die in a state of disobedience to Allah?
  • “Do You Not Love that Allah Should Forgive You?”

    SubhanAllah, we all know the story about the accusations that were forged against ‘Aishah (رضالله عنها), but in addition to that story, the tafsir for Surat An-Nur (Surah 24), ayah 22, reveals another story–a story of forgiveness, a story of compassion, a story demonstrating the superiority of those who act for the sake of Allah (may Allah make us of them). Mistah was the cousin of As-Siddiq (رضالله عنه).
  • Three Guarantees of Paradise

    “I guarantee a house in Jannah (Paradise) for one who gives up arguing, even if he is in the right; and I guarantee a house in the middle of Jannah for one who abandons lying even when joking / for the sake of fun; and I guarantee a house in the highest part of Jannah for one who has good manners.” [Prophet Muhammad (صلي الله عليه وسلم) – reported by Imam Abu Dawud]
  • Umm Sulaym and the Death of her Son

    Remember the story of the companion Umm Sulaym (رضي الله عنها), what an amazing thing about how a wife is with her husband. Her husband, Talha, was out working, and it so happened that day that their son, 10 years old, died. She had a decision to make: when he comes home should she tell him right away, or should she just bear it and make him happy first and then when he is comfortable and settled in, then tell him?
  • Five Points From Marriage 101

    Safi Khan, in his “Marriage 101″ lecture CD (available from here), mentions many points; of the best, he mentions the following: For Brothers: use extreme compassion and mercy towards your wives! Almost all relationships could benefit from more mercy and compassion. For Sisters: struggle not to complain! Once complaints start, they only get worse, and in the end, they can spoil your marriage. For Both: have a common goal–to serve Allah (سبحانه وتعالى), to worship Him, and to enter Jannah together, without reckoning.
  • Typical

    Typ‧i‧cal: Conforming to a particular type. For someone to be “typical”, he/she would be one who conforms to his society and behaves much like his environment. Typical in the 21st century: clubbing, flirting, sex, drugs, alcohol, stealing, cheating, swearing, injustice, premarital relations, immodesty, and the list goes on and on. So who’s typical? Is it the one who refrains from all the above, or the one indulges in it? Is it the one who’s perceived weird when he speaks out against someone swearing?
  • Keys to Paradise

    “Whoever wishes to be delivered from the fire (of Hell) and enter the garden (of Paradise) should die with faith in Allah and the Last Day and should treat the people as he wishes to be treated by them.” [Muhammad – Messenger of Allah (صلي الله عليه وسلم) as recorded in Sahih Muslim] 1. Make a list of people you deal with: Parents Friends Co-workers _2. Write how you would want to be treated in each of those roles:
  • Speak Good or Stay Silent

    Abu Hurayrah relates that Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should speak a good word or remain silent. And whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should show hospitality to his neighbor. And whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should show hospitality to his guest.” [Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim] _Speak good, or stay silent Treat your guest, and don’t be violent
  • 60 Ways to Keep Your Husband’s Love

    60 Ways to Keep Your Husband’s Love Behave like a female, i.e. all the tenderness of a female–a man doesn’t want a man for his wife! Dress pleasantly/attractively. If you are a home-maker, don’t stay in your sleeping suit all day. Smell good! Don’t lay out all your problems on your husband as soon as he walks in. Give him a little mental break. Don’t keep asking him, “what are you thinking?