Bismillah walhamdolilah wasalatu wasalam ‘ala Rasool Allah

It is imperative to realize that fiqh has gone through many developments/stages, which traditionally fall into six categories:

  1. Foundational Stage – This period is characterized by the Prophethood of Muhammad sallalahu alayhi wasalam which lasted for 23 years (610 – 632 CE)
  2. Establishment Stage – This period is characterized by the Righteous Caliphs radhiAllah anhum which lasted for 29 years from the death of the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasalam (632 CE) to the midle of the 7th century (661 CE)
  3. Building Stage – This period is characterized by the founding of the Umayyad dynasty until its decline to the middle of the 8th century
  4. Flowering Stage – This period is characterized by the rise of the ‘Abbaasid dynasty in the middle of the 8th century to the beginning of its decline around the middle of the 10th century
  5. Consolidation Stage – This period is characterized by the decline of the ‘Abbaasid dynasty to the murder of the last ‘Abbaasid Caliph in the middle of the 13th century
  6. Stagnation and Decline Stage – This period is characterized by the sacking of Baghdad in 1258 CE to our present times

This gives us a brief overview of the developments of fiqh. Inshallah we will go through each of these in some detail as we progress.