Rays of Faith

Rays of Faith is an AlMaghrib Institute course taught by Waleed Basyouni. Rays of Faith focuses on the pillars of Emaan: belief in the Angels, the Books, the Prophets, the Day of Judgment, and the Divine Decree (Qadr wa Qadaa’). This course will also go over the creation and realm of Jinns. These matters to us, are matters of the unseen but why is it so important? Because the most important characteristic of a believer is that they believe in the unseen (think of Suratul Baqarah, verse 3), so to believe in the unseen is the base of our eman.

Among the many benefits of this class, the most important is to soften our hearts with eman and to its pillars. Sufyan ath-Thawri would teach about the hereafter as if Hell-fire and Jannah were right before you. Al-Hasan Al-Basri said: it was like he went to the Hereafter and back when he would teach about it. Among other benefits: it provides clear information about the unseen world, it teaches us how to deal with matters of the unseen, to be satisfied with the Decree of Allah, and it give ways to prepare for the REAL life–the next one.

When learning ‘Aqeedah, there are many issues of weak narrations and baseless statements, however this class only teaches what is found in the Qur’an and the Sunnah, as the early scholars reviewed Aqeedah only as what Allah and His Messenger (صلى الله عليه و سلم) said.

This course is very detailed, and as shaykh Waleed said: the more details we know, the more we strengthen our faith. So don’t be surprised at the size of the binder!

Ibn Taymiyyah said: the foundation of anything is correct belief (aqeedah).


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Waleed Basyouni. Lecture. AlMaghrib. Rays of Faith.