Truth is one and falsehood is many.
How do we know? Just look at the Qur’an! Allah makes a simile of truth as a singular light (noor), and falsehood as a plural of darkness (dhulumaat — multiple).
What’s more, the Prophet (صلي الله عليه وسلم) once drew a stick in the dirt and said “this is the Straight Path.” He then drew lines that grew away from it, left and right, and said “these are the paths of misguidance, and at the top of every one of these paths is a devil calling the people.”
The point is, the path to Allah is one–siratal mustaqin. There are not different versions of Islam–1.0, 1.1, 2.0, nope. There is one.
May Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) keep us all on the straight path, ameen!
Yasir Qadhi. “Kitab At-Tawheed (Chapter 2).” 2 Nov. 2006 <>