If you have multiple skills and multiple interests, how can you determine the best use of your skills for da’wah? Try this method inshaAllah.

  1. Skills: List all your skills.
  2. Ummah: Prioirtize the needs of the ummah (i.e. your community).
  3. Map and Prioritize: Tie each skill to an action, and prioritize according to need.

For example, if your skills are writing, graphic design, and drama, and your ummah needs youth involvement and education, you may decide to:

  • Start a youth-oriented newsletter which focuses on one area (eg. tafseer, stories of companions, etc.)
  • Write and direct short scripts for Islamically-themed skits or movies, such as Halaqa Police
  • Create posters for Islamic events that cater to youth

And so on. May Allah help you in your struggle for His path, ameen.