There are six stages of knowledge.

  1. Knowledge of Facts: know the information (eg. what year did ‘Umar (radiallahu ‘an) become the Khalifa?)
  2. Comprehension: think about the information and understand it (eg. the khalifa is in charge of the entire Muslim ummah)
  3. Application: learn and apply the knowledge–it helps you remember. Apply it to your context. What does it mean for you and me, here, today?
  4. Analysis: Analyze the information critically. Get a deeper understanding of the meaning.
  5. Synthesis: Link the information to other information you know.
  6. Evaluation: recognize more authentic information over other information.

If you study at a university in Canada, you may notice that most of what they teach you doesn’t go beyond the Comprehension stage. Some may reach the Application stage, depending on your field–or it may not.

Learn to think critically!

May Allah protect us from knowledge that does not benefit us, ameen.

Source: Someone with a Ph. D. in Education.


Project: Revision. By Al-Khurasani. Paltalk. 19 Feb. 2006.